Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[AFRICA / SUDANESE GOVERNMENT / ISLAMIZATION] A memorandum for the enactment of a Sudan Constitution devised from the principles of Islam. Rabe Tani, 1376 - November, 1956.
[AFRICAN AMERICANA - RARE BULLETIN OF EFLNA] Liberation. Bi-monthly by Eritreans for Liberation in North America. Vol. 4. No. 5. July-August 1975
[AFRICA] Original 49 real photo postcards of South Africa and Natal
[BELGIAN CONGO / HUNTING] [Early photograph showing Joseph DeVos, a Dutch hunter in Belgian Congo, in front of an antelope hunted and hung from the ceiling by the feet]
[BOOKER T. WASHINGTON BIOGRAPHY IN OTTOMAN TURKISH] Kölelikten kurtulus: Bir tercüme-i hâl. [= Up from slavery. An autobiography]. Translated to Turkish by Ayse Pertev [Akinci].
[CHRISTIAN AND ISLAMIC CALENDARS OF THE FIRST FOURTEEN CENTURIES FROM THE BIRTH OF THE PROPHET] Concordance des eres Musulmane et Chretienne pour les quatorze premiers siecles de l'Hegire commençant le 16 Juillet 622 et finissant le 20 Novembre 1979
[EVLIYA IN EGYPT, SUDAN AND ETHIOPIA] Evliya Çelebi seyahatnamesi. Vol. 10: Misir, Sudan, Habes, (1672-1680)
[FIRST ARABIC EDITION OF 'AFRICA! AFRICA!' BY EDITOR OF THE DAILY WORKER] Ifriqiyah! Ifriqiyah! Qarat taqif ali qidmihâ. [i.e. Africa! Africa! A continent rises to its feet]. Translated by Ahmed Fouad Balbaa; Review by Hassan Lotfi Al-Manfalouti
[FIRST BOOK ON MUSLIMS IN THE COMORO ISLANDS] Kamer Adalari: Afrika'da Âlem-i Islâm Külliyatindan 1. [i.e. The Comoro Islands: From the Corpus of Islamic World in Africa]
[FIRST HAND ACCOUNT OF THE SYRIAN AND THE SUEZ CANAL OPERATIONS DURING WWI] Parisden Tih Sahrasina. [i.e. From Paris to the Desert of Tih].
[FIRST TRAVEL ACCOUNT OF SOUTH AFRICAN MUSLIMS] Ümid Burnu seyahatnâmesi. [i.e. Travel account of the Cape of Good Hope]. Quoted by Ömer Lütfi
[FROM MARSEILLES TO KONGO, MOZAMBIQUE AND THE CENTRAL AFRICA] Triviye'nin Afrika seyâhatnâmesi (Asir Kitabhânesi Külliyâti). [= Mon voyage au Continent Noir; la "Gironde" en Afrique]. Translated into Ottoman Turkish by Mehmed Ekrem.
[ILLUSTRATED SELECTIONS FROM AN ARABIC 14TH CENTURY TRAVEL ACCOUNT OF AFRICA] Wasf Ifrîqîyah wa-al-Maghrib wa-al-Andalus... [i.e. Description of Africa, Morocco and Andalusia in the middle of the eighth century of migration]
[IRANIAN SUPPORT TO THE ALGERIAN REVOLUTION AGAINST FRENCH COLONIALISM] الجزایر و مردان مجاهد / Al-Jazâ’ir va mardân-e mujâhid [i.e., Algeria and the Mujahid men]
[ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR & ITALIAN FASCISM] Фашистская Италия под знаком войны / Fashistskaya Italiya pod znakom voini’ [i.e., Fascist Italy under the sign of war]
[LYNCHING IN FLORIDA ON OTTOMAN JOURNAL'S COVER] Resimli gazete. No: 68, Year: 2. 20 Kanunevvel 1340 [AD 20 December 1924]
[Manuscript map of Alexandria Port and its immediate hinterland]
[MIDDLE EAST / ARABIC / NORTH AFRICA] Muqaddimah al-aqwam al-masâlik fî ma'rifat ahwâl al-mamâlik tercemesi. [i.e. The surest path to knowledge regarding the condition of countries]. Translated by Abdurrahman Efendi
[NORTH AFRICA / THE FRENCH OCCUPATION / ALGERIA] Mir'atü'l-Cezayir. [i.e. The mirror of Algeria]. Translated by Ali Sevki
[OTTOMAN AFRICA - LIBYA - SAHARA] Trablusgarb'tan Sahrâ-yi Kebîr'e dogru. Sahrâ teskilâti ve akvâmi hakkinda tedkikat: Sahrâ'nin teskilâti, iklimi, hayvanat ve nebatati... [i.e. Voyages from Tripoli to the Great Sahara]
[OTTOMAN AFRICA / TRIPOLI / SAHARA] Afrika Sahra-yi Kebirinde seyahât. [i.e. Voyage across the Sahara]
[POSTERS / PEACE / ALGERIA] Poster of the 9th World Festival of Youth and Students for Solidarity Peace and Friendship, July 28-August 7, 1965
[RARE TURKISH SCHOOL MAP OF AFRICA] Afrika: Müderris Fayik Sabri Beyin talebe haritalari. No: 3. 25 kurus. Kanaat Kütüphanesi. [i.e. Africa: From the corpus of school maps by Mr. Faik Sabri]
[SCHWEINFURT'S TRAVEL ACCOUNT OF AFRICA IN OTTOMAN LANGUAGE] [Doktor] Sivinfort'un Afrika seyahatnamesi. Translated by Ahmed - Mustafa Said.