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[MODERN JUGURTHA VS THE FRENCH COLONIZATION IN NORTH AFRICA] Abd-el-Kader: Emir de l'Afrique du Nord, défenseur de la nationalité Arabe, protecteur des Christiens opprimes. Sa biographie... [i.e. Abd-el-Kader: Emir of North Africa...
[NORTH AFRICA - FRENCH MOROCCO] Voyages au Maroc, (1899-1901)
[NORTH AFRICA / THE FRENCH OCCUPATION / ALGERIA] Mir'atü'l-Cezayir. [i.e. The mirror of Algeria]. Translated by Ali Sevki
[OTTOMAN AFRICA - LIBYA - SAHARA] Trablusgarb'tan Sahrâ-yi Kebîr'e dogru. Sahrâ teskilâti ve akvâmi hakkinda tedkikat: Sahrâ'nin teskilâti, iklimi, hayvanat ve nebatati... [i.e. Voyages from Tripoli to the Great Sahara]
[OTTOMAN AFRICA - LIBYA - SAHARA] Trablusgarb'tan Sahrâ-yi Kebîr'e dogru. Sahrâ teskilâti ve akvâmi hakkinda tedkikat: Sahrâ'nin teskilâti, iklimi, hayvanat ve... [i.e. Travels from Libya to the Sahara].
[OTTOMAN AFRICA / TRIPOLI / SAHARA] Afrika Sahra-yi Kebirinde seyahât. [i.e. Voyage across the Sahara]
[POSTERS / PEACE / ALGERIA] Poster of the 9th World Festival of Youth and Students for Solidarity Peace and Friendship, July 28-August 7, 1965
[RARE TURKISH SCHOOL MAP OF AFRICA] Afrika: Müderris Fayik Sabri Beyin talebe haritalari. No: 3. 25 kurus. Kanaat Kütüphanesi. [i.e. Africa: From the corpus of school maps by Mr. Faik Sabri]
[SCHWEINFURT'S TRAVEL ACCOUNT OF AFRICA IN OTTOMAN LANGUAGE] [Doktor] Sivinfort'un Afrika seyahatnamesi. Translated by Ahmed - Mustafa Said.
[SOUTH AFRICA] Life overseas South Africa (Philips' 'New-Prospect' Readers)
[THE FRENCH AND BRITISH CONFLICTS ON EGYPTIAN REGION] Affaires du Haut-Nil et du Bahr-el-Ghazal, 1897-1898 (Documents Diplomatiques) [i.e. Upper Nile and Bahr-el-Ghazal Affairs, 1897-1898 (Diplomatic Documents)]
[THE MEASURE OF THE OVERSEAS TOWNS: GUIDE FOR THE MARINERS FROM BATUMI TO AFRICA] Eb'ad-i buldân cedveli: Bahr-i Siyah'da kâin Batum'dan Ingiltere'ye kadar Avrupa, Asya ve Afrika sevâhillerinde bulunan mesâhir-i...
[THE SUDAN CAMPAIGN] History of the Sudan campaign. Compiled in the Intelligence Division of the War Office. Pt. 1. Events leading up to the Nile Expedition, and its history to the departure of the desert column from Korti...