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"Harb Kazançlari Vergisi Hakkinda Ihtarnâme" [i.e. Written warning on the Tax on War Profits]: Sent by "Tarh Komisyonu Mihr-i Resmiyesi" to the owner of "Izmir Basturak Subesi Incir Mahsûlleri Sirketi" in [1920 AD] 1336 AH, March, 8.
Auograph letter signed 'Istanbul meb'usu müderris doktor Nureddin Ali'.
Autograph business card signed 'Cevdet'.
Autograph card signed 'Vera' with its original envelope, sent to Turkish architect Cengiz Bektas, (1934-2020)
Autograph document / letter signed 'Halil', addressed to Köprülüzâde [Mehmed] Fuad, (1890-1966), requesting the return of books (listed on letter) borrowed from the museum's library.
Autograph document sealed 'Bosnevî Darülhadis Basmüderrisi'.
Autograph document signed 'Aubert du Bayet', with six other co-signatures by politic figures.
Autograph document signed 'Hamit Görele' and 'Ersin Satgan', on the fixation of income of the Contemporary Painters Association of Turkey in 1968.
Autograph document signed 'K. Taskent'.
Autograph document signed 'Sihhat Vekili Dr. Lûtfi Kirdar', sent to Turkish poetess Halide Nusret Zorlutuna, (1901-1984).
Autograph greetings card signed and inscribed 'Ara Güler'.
Autograph letter / document signed 'Mehmed Fuad' to the director of library of Darülfünûn [i.e. Istanbul University] Fehmi Edhem Karatay, (1888-1968).
Autograph letter sealed 'Lütfullah Vehbi' as 'Erzurum müftüsü', to an unnamed friend.
Autograph letter signed 'Adalet' addressed to Samira Akmen, with its envelope.
Autograph letter signed 'Ali Çetinkaya ve Refikasi ve Kizi', sent to Turkish doctor Ethem Akif Battalgil.
Autograph letter signed 'B. Çaglar', addressed to Turkish poetess Halide Nusret Zorlutuna, (1901-1984).
Autograph letter signed 'Celâl Sahir Erozan'.
Autograph letter signed 'Celâl' on a paper with very calligraphic 'Celâl Sahir' letterhead.
Autograph letter signed 'Dr. Orhan Asena', addressed to Ulvi Uraz, (1921-1974).
Autograph letter signed 'Esref Üren', sent to his unnamed painter friend, which mentions Ibrahim Çalli and Ziya Keseroglu, paintings sent to Çapa Exhibition.
Autograph letter signed 'H. Taner', sent to Ulvi [Uraz].
Autograph letter signed 'Halit Fahri Ozansoy' with original envelope, addressed to Turkish poetess Halide Nusret Zorlutuna, (1901-1984).