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[EARLY NAVAL GUIDE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SHORES AND THE ARCHIPELAGO FOR SEAFARERS AND MARINERS] Rehber-i derya... [i.e. A guide to sea: Including an account and guide to the Mediterranean and Aegean shores].
[OTTOMAN NAVAL FORCES / PAMPHLET FOR THE LIQUID FUEL] Yag-i mâyi' mahrûkâti ve tertîbâti. [i.e. Liquid oil fuel and its assembly]. Translated into Ottoman Turkish by Bahriye Nezâreti Çarhçi [sic. Çarkçi] Komisyonu.
[OTTOMAN NAVIGATION / EARLY DESCRIPTION AND PILOT BOOK OF THE ARCHIPELAGO] Tarîfât-i sevâhil-i Kasot ve Kerpe ve Cezayir-i Yunaniye. [i.e. Description of the shores of Kassos, Karpathos and Aegean Archipelago].
[SOUTH & CENTRAL ASIA] Mir'âtü'l-memâlik. [i.e. The mirror of the countries]