Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[ARABIC MANUSCRIPT / RITES AND ROUTES FOR PILGRIMAGE AND TRAVELERS] Manâsik al-Hajj. Calligrapher and copied by Ahmed b. Muhammed b. Suleyman.
[ATTRACTIVE 17TH CENTURY LATIN WORK ON THE HOLY LAND] Historica theologica et moralis Terræ Sanctæ elucidatio in qua pleraque ad veterem et præsentem ejusdem Terræ Statum spectantia accurate explicantur varii errores refelluntur veritas... 2 volumes set.
[AZERBAIJANI LENINISTS] Rusya Leninci Komünist Gençler Ittifâkinin nizâmnâme ve merâmnâmesi: Bütün ülkelerin yoksullari birlesiniz! Leninci Komünist Gençler Ittifâkinin 6.inci Umum Rusya Kurultayinda kabûl edilmis tebdilât ve tekmîlât ile
[BAGDAD RAILWAYS / EASTERN QUESTION] Hatt-i saltanat: Bagdad demiryolu. [= Die Bagdadbahn].
[FINE PHOTO ALBUM / THE POLISH EXPOSITION IN CONSTANTINOPLE 1924] Wycieczka studentów Polskich wyzszych Uczelni na Wystawe Polska w Konstantynopolu, 7-9 / 2-10, 1924. [i.e. Travel of Polish university students to the Exhibition Poland in Constantinople
[FIRST CATALOGUE OF SELJUK COINS] Takvîm-i meskûkât-i Selçûkiyye: Selâcika Rum-i tarafindan darb ve ihrac olunan meskûkât ile diger bazi hükumet sagire sikkelerinin envaiyle tarifatini ve mâlûmât-i tarihiyesini... [i.e. Calendar of Seljuk coins]
[FIRST REPUBLICAN TURKISH THEORY ON THE REORGANIZING OF THE STOCK-EXCHANGES] Borsalarin tevhîdi meselesi hakkinda rapor. [i.e. Report on merging exchanges].
[GERMAN PEDAGOGICAL CONCERNS IN ARABIAN NIGHTS] Die seltsamen... Kalifen Harun Al Raschid. Ausgew. u. hrsg. Otto Zimmermann. [Buchschm. Abb. von C. Strathmann]. ["Tausend-und-eine Nacht" Bdch. 4]. [i.e. The strange adventures of Caliph Harun Al-Raschid]
[IBN KHALLIKAN'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY] Tercüme-i vefayatü'l-ayan li-Ibn Hallikan. 2 volumes set. Translated by Rodosizâde Mehmed
[ILLUSTRATED PROPAGANDA OF PALESTINE AND JERUSALEM] Hadha tariqiun fi al-kifah fia 'akhi 'atmimu kafaha. [i.e. This is my way in the struggle, my brother]
[MAP OF 1960S SYRIA] Sûrîyah = Syria. Prep. by F. Orfali.
[MAP of IRAQ - SHEET of SAMAWAH] Semave (First of 4 feuilles).
[MAP of SYRIA AND LEBANON] Syrie & Liban: Carte Touristique.
[MAP OF SYRIA] Harita al-Suriyah. Calligraphed by Kamel Al-Baba, (1905-1991).
[MAP] Map of Cairo, Egypt. Most interesting places in Cairo [and] Egyptian stamps guide.
[OTTOMAN PALESTINE & JERUSALEM] A collection of 21 stereotype photographs from Ottoman Jerusalem and Palestine.
[SECRET TREATIES / ANGLO-PERSIAN AGREEMENT OF 1919] Manzûme-yi Sulh ve re'y-i Dânîsh [ve tercümesi]. [i.e. Peace agreement and views of Mirzâ Dânîsh]. Translated into Ottoman Turkish by Ferid [Kam].
[SHIRÂZÎ CRITICS] Hâfiz chih mîgûyad? [i.e. What does Hafez say?].
[THE SONS OF THE DEVIL: FIRST SEPARATE BOOK ON YEZIDIS] Abede-i Iblis: Yezîdî taifesinin itikâdâti, a'dâti, evsâfi. [i.e. The sons of Satan: Yezidi society's beliefs, customs and characteristics]
[ZAGHLOUL VS ADLY PASHA] Azmat al-Wafd al-kubrâ: Sa'd wa-'Adlî. [i.e. The great Wafd crisis: Saad and Adly].