Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[ISLAM IN BRITISH INDIA / KHILAFAT MOVEMENT] یورپکی صداقت اوراسکا جواب [i.e., The authenticity of Europe and its answer]
[IRANIAN SUPPORT TO THE ALGERIAN REVOLUTION AGAINST FRENCH COLONIALISM] الجزایر و مردان مجاهد / Al-Jazâ’ir va mardân-e mujâhid [i.e., Algeria and the Mujahid men]
[FIRST BOOK ON SOCIALISM IN TURKEY / FINE BINDINGS] Sosyalizm: Sosyalizmin esbâbindan, hizmetinden, sosyalistlerin hayât-i içtimâiyelerindeki vezâifinden ve takib olunan maksad ve gâyeden basheder (Millet Kitabhânesi Aded 11). [i.e., Socialism]
[CZECHOSLOVAK PRISONS] Les prisons dans la République de Tchécoslovaque
[SOVIET POSTERS OF THE CENTRAL ASIA & CAUCASUS REPUBLICS] Gerb'i i flagi SSSR: Seven Soviet posters (7 of 16) in original file of the Soviet Republics from the Caucasus and the Central Asia printed in 1977
[PHOTOGRAPH / RUSSIAN - OTTOMAN RELATIONS] Prisoner Exchange Congress held with Russian officials in Copenhagen
[A COSACK NATIONALIST POET FROM ORENBURG] Uyan Kazak! Preface by Tahir Çagatay. [i.e., Wake up Cosack!]
[CENSORSHIP / BANNED PERIODICALS / FIRST FEMALE JOURNALIST IN TURKEY / FEMINISM] Projektor: Ayda bir çikar fikir mecmuasidir [i.e., Projector]. No: 1. Mart 1936. (All published)
[AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES OF AZERBAIJAN SSR / BAKU IMPRINT] Gend Tasarrufât ve Istihsâlât Kooperasiyonu: Güç birliktedir! [i.e., the Cooperation of the Urban Production and Crafts. Workers of the world, unite!]
[BULGARIAN FATHER OF THE UNITED NATIONS IDEAL / STAR OF THE CONSENT / ETÔILE DE LA CONCORDE] Müsalemet-i umûmiye için Cihan Divân-i Daimisi. Translated by Giridî Ahmed Saki
[UKRAINE] L'Ukraine et les Ukrainiens [i.e., Ukraine and the Ukrainians]
[BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA AFTER THE BREAKUP OF YUGOSLAVIA] Sancak Bölgesi'nde kurulacak özyönetim ile iliskin muhtira. [i.e., Memorandum of self-government to be established in the Sandzak Region]
[HISTORY OF RUSSIA] Rus Hükümeti yahud kamçi saltanati [i.e., The Russian government, of a flagellate reign]. Translated by Rusyali H. Z.
[THE NATION-STATE MODEL] Serbest insanlar ülkesinde. [i.e. In the land of the free people]
[19TH CENTURY OTTOMAN POLITICAL UTOPIA] Turfanda mi yoksa turfa mi? Millî roman. [i.e. The First Crop or the Carrion]
[POLITIC DREAMS OF INTELLECTUALS] Edib-i muhterem merhum Ziya Pasa'nin rüyasi. [i.e. The dream of Ziya Pasha, honorable author]
[CRITICISM OF ISLAM] Dar-ür-rahat Müslümanlarina hitap. [i.e. Addressing the Muslims of the Comfortable Land]
[ARABIC EDITION OF ANTISEMITIC BOOK OF THE FREEMASONRY] Asrâr al-Mâsûnîyah. [i.e. The secrets of Freemasons]. Translated from Turkish into Arabian by Sulayman Muhammad Amîn al-Qabili, Nûr al-Dîn Wâ'iz
[COVER ART / POSTER / MAO] 16 Haziran: Ilerici Yapi-Is. No: 3, Eylül 1976
[1978 SPEECHES OF THE CCP] Memleketlik ilim-pen yiyuning hojjetliri. [i.e. Documents of scientific developments in the country]
[POSTERS / MAO] [Mao Zedong and Chen Yi meet with foreign guests in Zhongnanhai in 1957]. Photographed by Hou Bo, (1924-2017)
[MAO'S DEATH / HEADLINE] Milliyet Halk Gazetesi. Yil 27, No: 10365. 10 Eylül 1976, Cuma
[COVER ART / MAO'S DEATH] 7 Gün: Haftalik siyasi haber ve aktüalite dergisi. 14 Eylül 1976, Sayi: 210
[COVER ART / CHINA WITH NO MAO] Yanki: Haftalik haber dergisi. No: 287, Eylül 1976