Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[FIRST AUTOPSY IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE] Makâlât-i tibbiyye. [i.e. Articles on medicine]. Translated by Efendizâde Abdülhak Hayrullah
[DESCRIPTION OF THE MODERN EGYPT] Musavver Misir hâtirâti. [i.e. Illustrated memoirs from Egypt]
[SOUVENIR ALBUM - MIDDLE EAST] Souvenir du Caire, aux petit profits Behar et Fils
[FIRST HOLZHAUSEN IMPRINT IN OTTOMAN LANGUAGE] Sifr-i Es'iya: Es'iya [sic. Es'aya] peygambere nâzil olan vahiydir. [i.e. It's the revelation revealed to the prophet Isaiah].
[MECCA IMPRINT - UZBEK JADID PIONEER] Akâid: Birinci baskiç (ibtidâî mekteb) için. [i.e. Islamic beliefs for primary schools]
[THE BAGHDAD PACT] Security in unity: CENTO exercise Midlink Three.
[FIRST PRINTED OTTOMAN COOK BOOK] Melceü't-tabbahîn. [i.e. Chefs' refuge]
[FIRST BIOGRAPHY OF IBSEN IN TURKISH LITERATURE] Ibsen: Hayati ve eserleri. [i.e. Ibsen: His life and works]
[FIRST CRITICS OF ANTISEMITISM IN FRANCE FOR DREYFUS BY TURKISH INTELLIGENTSIA] Dreyfüs meselesi ve esbâb-i hafiyesi. [i.e. The Dreyfus Affair and its reasons of secrecy]
[FIRST ARAB TO RECEIVE A PHD ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN SORBONNE] La condition privee de la femme dans le droit de l'Islam. [i.e. The legal status of women in the law of Islam]
[INTERESTING ARCHIVE OF AN INTELLECTUAL OTTOMAN/TURKISH WOMAN] [A manuscript diary, letters to and from, documents, notebooks of an intellectual late Ottoman/early Republican woman]
[PANORAMA OF CONSTANTINOPLE] Panorama du Bosphore, vue sur la côte d'Asie, pris de Robert College
[FIRST FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHER OF TURKEY] [Original b/w unnamed photograph: Anatolian girl behind the sieves signed by Yildiz Moran].
[FIRST PHOTOGRAPHIC ART MAGAZINE OF TURKEY] Foto Süreyya: Aylik fotograf, sinema ver spor mecmuasidir. No.: 1-12. May 17, 1931 - May 1, 1932. [FIRST YEAR SET]
[EARLY OTTOMAN GUIDE TO PHOTOGRAPHY BY THE THESSALONIKI BONMARCHE] Fotografçilik rehberi. [i.e. Guide to photography]
[COMPLETE EARLY TURKISH GUIDE TO PHOTOGRAPHIC ART] Yeni amelî ve nazarî fotografya: Fotografyada müsta'mel bilumûm ameliyati hâvîdir. [i.e. New practical and theoretical photography: Containing a complete guide to photography]
[EARLY OTTOMAN TEACH YOURSELF GUIDE TO PHOTOGRAPHIC ART] Kendi kendine fotografya muallimi. [i.e. Photography teacher: Teach yourself guide]
[PHOTOGRAPHY EDUCATION FOR THE FINE ART FACULTIES] Amelî fotografya-fotografçilik. [i.e. Practical photography]
Four photographs of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's funeral in Istanbul
[SOUVENIR ALBUM - MIDDLE EAST] Cairo: 24 artistic pictures in heliogravures
[PHOTOS OF THE BOSPHORUS] Vue du Bosphore. Côte d'Asie et d'Europe. & Vue de la Baie et du Quai de Therapia au Bosphore