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[FORDIST ANTISEMITISM IN TURKEY] Beynelmilel Yahudi. [i.e., The international Jew: Jewish influences in American life]. Translated by Selma Gücüyener
[JUDAICA / KEMALISM IS BEING CONCEPTUALIZED BY TURKISH JEW] Kemalizm. Fransiz Parlamentosu reisi Heriot’nun ve Professör Dr. Fuad Köprülü’nün önsözlerile
[JERUSALEM / MIDDLE EAST] Tarih-i fezâil ve Quds-i Serîf. [i.e. History of the virtues and the Great and the Noble Jerusalem]. Prep. by Muhammed Recai
[FIRST HOLZHAUSEN IMPRINT IN OTTOMAN LANGUAGE] Sifr-i Es'iya: Es'iya [sic. Es'aya] peygambere nâzil olan vahiydir. [i.e. It's the revelation revealed to the prophet Isaiah].