Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[OTTOMAN - FRENCH RELATIONS / THASSOS MINES] A historically significant autograph manuscript letter from Thessaloniki in 1914, requesting that Vuccino continue addressing the Thassos mines concession issue between the Ottoman Empire and France
[TURKEY / MINING CONSESSIONS / NATIONALIZATION IN THE MINING] Ottoman announcement printed in 1919: Hüdavendigâr Province [i.e., Bursa, Brusa] Molybdenum mine privilege document
[1922 ISTANBUL FIRE / JUDAICA] Ottoman historical manuscript document containing an account of the 1922 fire in Haydarpasa, Chalcedonia, and the broken windows of the house of a Pera resident named Vitali Efendi, a Jewish man, dated AH 1338 [1922]
[EXTREMELY RARE PERSIAN ATLAS OF IRAN PRINTED IN CONSTANTINOPLE] Atlas baghle Iran... [i.e., Atlas of complete Iran: Including 36 maps and one graphic...]
[TURKISH SPACESHIP DESIGN / BROCHURE / EPHEMERA] [Brochure and business card] Galileo: Mekik Gemi Projesi [i.e., Galileo: The Project of Space Shuttle]
[FIRST TYPHOID VACCINES IN TURKEY] تيفو آشيسى / Tifo asisi [i.e. The Typhoid vaccine]
[SOVIET PROPAGANDA IN THE ARAB WORLD / THE SOVIET SPACE PROGRAM] دراسات علميّة سوفيتية نشرة غيُردورة يوليو سنه ١٩٥٨ / Darâsât ilmiyyat Sofyatiyyat: Nashrat Gerdora Yuliyu, fî sana 1958 [i.e., Soviet Scientific Studies, Gerdora Bulletin, July 1958]. No. 1
[AVANT-GARDE / EARLY TURKISH FUTURIST BOOK DESIGN] Ansiklopedideki vahsi. Cover design by Ressam Sam, or Mimâr Sâmih. [i.e., The savage in the encyclopedia]
[SAMMELBAND: FOUR FIRST OTTOMAN TRANSLATIONS OF JULES VERNE] Iki sene mekteb tatili [i.e., Two years vacation = Deux ans de vacances].; Cevv-i havada seyâhât [i.e., Five weeks in a balloon, or a journey of discovery by three Englishmen in Africa...
[FIRST GUIDE TO TURKISH DRIVERS / AUTOMOBILE / DRIVING LICENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAST] Soför muallimi: Otomobil ve makinist mektebi müessesi ve müdebbîri [i.e., Teacher of driving]
[POSTERS / PEACE / ALGERIA] Poster of the 9th World Festival of Youth and Students for Solidarity Peace and Friendship, July 28-August 7, 1965
[IBN ARABÎ / BULAQ IMPRINT / FINE BINDINGS] شجرة الكون الشيخ الا كبر سيدى محي الدين العربى رضى الله عنه / Shajarat al-Kawn: Al-Sheikh al-Akhbar Saydi Muhy al-Din ibn Arâbî Radhallahu Anh [i.e., Tree of the universe by the Greatest Master Ibn Arabî]
[SIXTEENTH CENTURY MUSLIM PILGRIMAGE / ARABIAN PENINSULA / TRAVEL LITERATURE / RITES AND ROUTES OF THE HAJ] Menâsik-i Sinan Efendi. Copies by Ahmed bin Muhammed Dagistânî (active in 18th century)
[EARLIEST RECORDS OF UFO SIGHTINGS IN TURKEY] CENAP Report 73. Edited by Hansjürgen Köhler and Werner Walter. 7. Jahrgang / H3 / - Marz 1982
[ILLUSTRATED ALPHABET / EARLY REPUBLICAN VISUAL CULTURE / PROPAGANDA / CHILDREN’S BOOK] Resimli alfabe: Ilk kira’at dersleri [i.e., Illustrated alphabet: The first reading lessons]
[ARMENIAN ALPHABET / ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN BOOKS] ԸՍԷՔԱՆՈԻՆԸ (ԳԻՐԵՐԸ ՊԱՏԿԵՐՆԵՐՈՎ ՍՈՐՎԻՆՔ) / Ysek’anoiny (Girery Patkernerov Sorvink) / Ermenice resimli alfabe kitabi. Illustrated by Berch Erzyian
[DATA VISUALIZATION / ATLAS OF THE NEW TURKEY] Mekteblilere Cumhuriyet atlasi: Kitaât-i hamse, kürre-yi müceseme ve kürre-yi musattaha ile... [i.e., The Republican Atlas for students, including maps of the five continents,...
[RARE PANORAMA OF CONSTANTINOPLE / JEWISH EDITORS] La Corne d'Or - Totalansicht des Goldenen Horns. Editör: Salomon Cohen, Jüksek Kalderim 118, Constatinople
EXTREMELY RARE COMPLETE RUN OF “DJEM” OF ALL PERIODS] Djem. Revue politique, humoristique et satirique illustree = Cem. Persembe günleri nesrolunur, siyasî, edebî, musavver mizah mecmuasidir. 92 issues
[FINLAND MODEL FOR THE YOUNG REPUBLIC OF TURKEY / WOMEN] Finlandiya. [i.e. Finland]. Cover designed by AK
[FINLAND DEVELOPMENT MODEL SUGGESTED BY ATATÜRK] Beyaz zambaklar memleketinde. Finlandiya'ya aid harsî tedkîk. Translated by Ali Haydar [Taner]
[HELIOGRAVURE PHOTOGRAPHY / PROPAGANDA / NEW TURKISH REPUBLIC] Fotografla Türkiye = La Turquie en image = Turkey in pictures = Die Türkei im bild