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[GEOGRAPHY / TWO TEXTBOOKS FOR THE AMERICAN BOARD COLLEGES IN TURKEY] 1. Hamarrot dasagirk’ ashkharhagroit’ean.... [i.e., A concrete textbook on geography with answers to the questions of the second type] &
[RARE PLANS OF CONSTANTINOPLE / VIENNA IMPRINT / GALATA & PERA] Istanbul rehberi. Sehremâneti Heyet-i Fenniyece istiksaf tarzinda tanzim ve tertib edilip Viyana'da basilmistir. Haliç - Dersaadet. [Joint two sheets of the Golden Horn - Dersaadet]
[PLAN OF THE LEVANTINE GALATA & PERA / CONSTANTINOPLE] Nouveau plan de Pera et quartiers environnants: Galata, Tophane, Pancaldi, Nichantache...
[ATLAS OF THE RESORTS AND THEIR RESOURCES OF THE SOVIET GEORGIA] ატლასი: საქართველოს სსრ კურორტები და საკურორტო რესურსები / At’lasi: Sakartvelos SSR k’urort’ebi da sak’urort’o resursebi...
[EXTREMELY RARE PERSIAN ATLAS OF IRAN PRINTED IN CONSTANTINOPLE] Atlas baghle Iran... [i.e., Atlas of complete Iran: Including 36 maps and one graphic...]
[DATA VISUALIZATION / ATLAS OF THE NEW TURKEY] Mekteblilere Cumhuriyet atlasi: Kitaât-i hamse, kürre-yi müceseme ve kürre-yi musattaha ile... [i.e., The Republican Atlas for students, including maps of the five continents,...
[MAP OF EARLY POLITICAL PROPAGANDA / BANNED MAPS / “IT WAS DRAWN TO BE CARVED ON THE TOMBSTONE OF THAT CRUEL AND TREACHEROUS RULER”] Avrupa-yi Osmânî: Ottoman Europe: It is a map showing the disintegration that the Holy Homeland...
[RARE TURKISH ATLAS PRINTED IN VIENNA] Resimli atlas [i.e., Illustrated atlas]
[RARE WALL MAP OF THE MIDDLE EAST BY WAR OFFICE] Map of the Middle East and Near East. Scale: 1:4,000,000
[FIRST BOOK OF THE AGRICULTURAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE] Memâlik-i Osmaniye’nin ziraat cografyasi [i.e., Agricultural geography of the Ottoman Empire]
[MANUSCRIPT MAPS / IMPORTANT LEVANTINE PORT CITIES] Port de Smyrne [i.e., The Port of Smyrna] = Izmir Körfezi’nin iskandil haritasidir, 1909-1913.
[CARTOGRAPHY / HISTORY OF SCIENCE] Arazide küçük zâbit. Birinci kitab: Amelî harita mütalaasi [i.e., NCOs in land survey. Vol. 1: Observations on the practical cartography]
[TOPOGRAPHY / CARTOGRAPHY / ENGINEERING] Mecmuâ-yi fenn-i mesâha. [i.e., Collection of land surveying and topography]
[FIRST MAP OF JAPAN / FIRST PRINTED EDITION OF ONE OF THE EARLIEST MUSLIM MAPPAMONDOS / FIRST DICTIONARIES OF THE TURKIC LANGUAGES] Divân-i lûgâti’t-Türk [i.e., The compendium of the languages of the Turks]. Edited by Ali Emirî
[FIRST COMPLETE GEOLOGICAL MAPS OF TURKEY] 1:800.000 ölçekli Türkiye jeoloji hartasi [sic. haritasi]. [i.e. Geological maps of Turkey scaled 1:800.000]. 8 maps set
[MAP / BALKANS] Mufassal Avrupa-yi Osmânî: Saye-i terakkîvâye-i Hazret-i Gazi sultan Abdülhamid Hân-i sânide Maarif-i Umûmiye Nezaret-i Celîlesinin ruhsat-i resmîyesiyle piyâde binbasilarindan...
[TREBIZOND EMPIRE / BYZANTINE / CARTOGRAPHY] The littoral of the Empire of Trebizond in two fourteenth century portolano maps. Separatum "Arkheion Pontou"
[MAP / 18TH CENTURY / THE BLACK SEA / CRIMEA / UKRAINE / EASTERN EUROPE] Nouvelle Carte de la Petite Tartarie et la Mer Noire, montrant les Frontieres de l'Impératrice de Russie et de l'Empereur des Turcs, tant en Europe qu'en Asie...
[BEAUTIFUL CHROMOLITHOGRAPHED MAPS / OTTOMAN ATLAS] Yeni resimli ve haritali cografya-yi Osmanî. Mekâtîb-i Ibtidâiyye Devre-i Aliye birinci sinifa mahsus
[WALL MAP OF THE RAILWAYS, POSTAL ROADS OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE] Karta parokhodnikh' soovshesnii jel'znikh i pochtovikh' dorog' Rossiiskoi Imperii.; Aziiatskaia Rossiia Sibir' i Turkestanski Krai. [= A map of railways and postal roads of the Russian Empire]
[GERMAN MAP OF ROMANIA] N.9. Hermannstadt (Sibiu)
[Manuscript map of Alexandria Port and its immediate hinterland]
[RARE TURKISH SCHOOL MAP OF AFRICA] Afrika: Müderris Fayik Sabri Beyin talebe haritalari. No: 3. 25 kurus. Kanaat Kütüphanesi. [i.e. Africa: From the corpus of school maps by Mr. Faik Sabri]