[MAP of CONSTANTINOPEL] [German map of the Bosphorus - Constantinople - Princess Islands].
[ca. 1875]
Original color map on cloth of Constantinople, the Bosphorus, the Golden Horn, Princess' Islands, Pera, Galata, Scutari and environment. Map on cloth. 50x60 cm. Toponyms are in German entirely. Folded. Scale: 1:100000. A detailed toponyms list titled "Verzeichnis der mit Ziffern bezeichneten öffentlichen Gebaude" under the sections A: Pera und Galata, B: Stambul, C: Skutari; and "Erlauterung der Abkürzungen". Some toponyms are transcripted Turkish into western characters like Karadenis - Bahr-i Siach, Burgas Adassi, Kisil Adalar, Jeni Djami, etc. A rare Istanbul map printed in 19th century.
Map Cartography Constantinople Istanbul Geography The Bosphorus