Typescript letter signed 'Haldun Dormen' and autograph letter on a card signed 'Haldun' sent to Turkish architect Aygen Törüner.
HALDUN DORMEN, (Turkish theater actor, author), (1928-).
Dormen Tiyatrosu [i.e. Dormen Theater] Letterhead, 8/8/1966.
Original typescript letter signed (TLS) and an autograph letter on the card with a letterhead of 'Haldun Dormen' signed (ALS) 'Haldun' sent to Turkish architect Aygen Törüner. 28x23,5 / 8x12,5 cm. In Turkish. 1 p.; 2 p. He mentions Valentin Kataiev's play and its copyright as well as 'The Killing of Sister George' play's translation. Haldun Dormen (born 5 April 1928) is a Turkish theater, movie, and TV series actor and film director. Dormen is of Turkish Cypriot descent.