![Typescript letter in French signed 'Dr. Vedat Nedim', mentioned to Monsieur Nasit Hakki [Ulug], (1902-1977)'s voyage to Hungary, who was depute of Kütahya and redactor of Hakimiyet-i Milliye journal.](http://khalkedonrarebooks.com/cdn/shop/products/VedatNedimTorAUTO_{width}x.jpg?v=1613237510)
Typescript letter in French signed 'Dr. Vedat Nedim', mentioned to Monsieur Nasit Hakki [Ulug], (1902-1977)'s voyage to Hungary, who was depute of Kütahya and redactor of Hakimiyet-i Milliye journal.
VEDAT NEDIM TÖR, (Turkish politician, publisher of La Turquie Kémaliste), (1897-1985).
Letterhead 'TC Dahiliye Vekâleti Matbuat Umum Müdürlügü' [i.e. Turkish Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate of the Press] , Ankara, 1934.
Original typescript letter in French signed 'Dr. Vedat Nedim', mentioned to Monsieur Nasit Hakki [Ulug], (1902-1977)'s voyage to Hungary, who was depute of Kütahya and redactor of Hakimiyet-i Milliye journal. Dated 9 Juillet 1934. 27,5x18 cm. In Turkish. 1 p. 'TC Hükümeti' watermarked paper. Text: "Excellence, Monsieur Nasit Hakki, depute de Kütahya et redacteur du Journal officiel Hakimiyeti Milliye, entre-prendra prochainement un voyage d'etude en Europe Centrale Il visitera egalement Voltre beau pays. Serait-il possible de lui accorder l'assistance bienveillante de Voss autorites gouvernementales lors de son sejour en Hongrie? Nous apprecierons beaucoup si Vous voulez bien intervenir favorablement aupres de Voss bureaux competents pour lui obtenir le permis de Vos chemins de fer, comme nous le faisons a l'egard de Vos Journalistes qui visitent la Turquie. Veuillez agreer, Excellence, l'assurance de ma tres haute consideration. Le Directeur Generale de le Presse.". Vedat Nedim Tör was born in the city of Istanbul in 1897. He was the son of Ahmet Nedim Servet Tör. He attended Galatasaray High School and completed his higher education at the University of Berlin. Having taken his Ph.D. in economics, he returned to Turkey. He served as the director at the Ankara State Radio and Directorate General of Press and Information. His writings were published in the newspapers Cumhuriyet and Vatan. Vedat Nedim, among the founders of Istanbul and Ankara State Radios, also served as a culture and art consultant for Yapıi Kredi Bank and Akbank. Among the stage plays he scripted were Issizler (1924), Kör (1935), Degisen Adam (1941), Hep ve Hiç (1951), and Halici Kiz (1975). Many of his theatre scripts were staged by several theater companies. Further, his play Halici Kiz was adapted to the silver screen by Muhsin Ertugrul in 1953. Vedat Nedim Tör passed away on April 8, 1985, in Istanbul.