[THEORY OF THE INDUSTRIALIZATION] Yüksek Levâzim Mektebi fabrikacilik ve sanayi notlari (1. kisim) 1927-1928 Harb Akademisi tedrîs-i senesi. [i.e. Factories and industrilization lecture notes for the Military Schools]
MEHMED [MEHMET] ALI [KÂGITÇI], (Turkish chemist, industrialist, and engineer of paper), (1899-1982), Harb Akademisi Kumandanligi Matbaasi, Istanbul, 1928.
Original wrappers. Roy. 8vo. (23 x 16 cm). In Ottoman script (Old Turkish with Arabic letters). 94 p., richly illustrated.
The first and only edition of this rare Turkish illustrated book including the lecture notes for the Turkish military schools, on the principles of establishing a factory and industrialization, given by Kagitçi, who was the pioneer of the Ottoman / Turkish paper industry, who defended the thesis that a national paper industry should be established in Turkey and that there are all kinds of possibilities to achieve this in the period, who served as an "Industry Teacher" in the Military Academy Command High School of Materials between 1927-1934.
This is one of the first works on its field in the rising early Republican Turkey in the period, including Ahmet Hamdi's book "Fabrikacilik" [i.e. Fabrication] published in 1919, and supporting the industrial breakthrough that was initiated after the proclamation of the Republic.
Kagitçi went to Germany to study papermaking with the permission of the institution he worked for. He worked in the pulp and paper mills of Hannoversche Papierfabriken Alfeld-Gronau Company in Germany at the end of 1925. He went to France in 1926 and served as a worker in the pulp, paper, and cardboard factories of Papeteries de France. After learning the watermark technique in Lyon and the pulp deposition techniques in Metz, from the source and by practice, he enrolled in the Institute of Papermaking, affiliated with the Faculty of Science of the University of Grenoble. Mehmed Ali Bey, who completed his education at the institute with first place in 1927, returned to Turkey with the title of "Paper Engineer". The projects of a factory that will produce paper, cardboard, packaging paper, newsprint and cigarette paper in Turkey were prepared under his management.
Özege 5356.; Not in OCLC.