[SIXTEENTH CENTURY MUSLIM PILGRIMAGE / ARABIAN PENINSULA / TRAVEL LITERATURE / RITES AND ROUTES OF THE HAJ] Menâsik-i Sinan Efendi. Copies by Ahmed bin Muhammed Dagistânî (active in 18th century)

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SÜNBÜLÎ SINÂN EFENDI (Yusuf Sinaeddin bin Ya’kûb-i Germiyânî) (?-1581).

Manuscript, [possibly Istanbul], AH 1154 = [1741/42].

Original manuscript written in naskhk script in black and red ink on polished laid paper with horizontal chain lines and watermarks. Contemporary quarter brown calf. Repaired and restored. No flap. 12mo. (16 x 11 cm). In Ottoman script (Old Turkish with Arabic letters). 167 leaves (334 p.).

An 18th-century manuscript account of Muslim pilgrimage in the Arabian Peninsula including important rites and ceremonies for the Islamic pilgrims written by Sünbülî Sinân, the son of Yakub Efendi, one of the successors of the founder of the Sunbuliyye Sufi order. The original text was written in the 16th century and this manuscript was copied by Dagistânî [Daghestanî] in the 18th century.

Sünbülî Sinan Efendi, who became the sheikh (master) of the Sunbuliyye order in 1564, went on Hajj of an uncertain date in Medina around 1581. This manâsik is one of the most voluminous texts in manasik literature, including a very detailed account of the 16th-century Islamic pilgrimage.

The text written in 16th-century Turkish, starts with basmalah with an introduction in Arabic (hamdala and samdala) praising the virtues of pilgrimage (Haj). Then, author gives the rites and routes like Farziyyat of Hajj, Ihram, Mukhrima, entry to Mecca, tawaf, Sa'y between Safa and Marwa, Arafat in Mecca, Muzdalifa from Arafat, Ef'al in Mina, Umra, Taawaf al-Vedâ, Qabr-i Sharif in Medina, etc.

The Sunbuliyye were a derivative of the Khalwati (also spelled Halveti and Halvetiye) order. Sünbül Efendi's successors, the next generations were settled in Nurullah town by Konur, Içel Province around 1550. (Wikipedia).