[OTTOMAN PROCLAMATION FOR WORLD WAR I] Fetâvâ-yi Serîfe. Beyannâme-i Hümayun suretidir. [Holy fatawa: Ottoman State proclamation for WW I].SULTAN MEHMED RESAD, (1844-1918).; ENVER PASHA, (1881-1922).; SHEIKH AL-ISLAM [MUSTAFA] HAYRI AVNI AL-URGUBÎ, (.
Müdafaa-i Milliye Cemiyeti / Matbaa-i Ahmed Ihsan ve Sürekâsi., Ist., [H.: 1332] ? 1914.
Original printed proclamation. A perfect copy. Mint. Folio. (50 x 23 cm). In Ottoman script. 2 p. Hegira: 1332 = Gregorian: 1914. On September 3, 1914, the German Foreign Ministry formed an anti-British Indian Nationalism Party in Berlin, where it declared that it had committed itself to persuade the Ottoman Sultan to start a "jihad" against Britain. One month later, the day of the war, by the Ottoman Empire and Germany under the leadership of the Grand Vizier Sait Pasha, the Minister of War Enver Pasha, Talat Pasha, and Halil Bey, the Alliance was made and immediately announced mobilization. Shortly after, Shaikh al-Islam Hayri Efendi, proclaimed "the Jihad-e Akbar", calling the Muslims of Crimea, Turkestan, India, Afghanistan, and Africa to jihad against the Christian nations; Britain, France, and Russia (The Entente). It is aimed to weaken the Entente Powers, by simmering Muslims who were under the rule of them and thus the victory of the Ottoman Empire. Text starts with a proclamation of Jihad for the Islamic world. (Minhu't-tevfîk: Bu mesele beyâninda eimme-i Hanefiyye'den cevab ne vechiledir ki, Islâmiyet aleyhine tehâcüm-i a'dâ vâki ve Memâlik-i Islâmiye’nin gasb ve gâreti ve nüfus-i Islâmiye'nin seby ve esir edilmeleri mütehakkik olunca Padisâh-i Islâm hazretleri nefîr-i âm suretiyle cihadi emr etdikde "...iinfirû hifâfen ve sikâlen ve câhidû bi-emvâlikum ve enfisüküm..." ayet-i celilesi hükm-i münîfince kâffe-i Müslimîn üzerine cihad farz olup genç ve ihtiyar piyade ve süvari olarak bi'l-cümle aktârdaki Müslimînin mâlen ve bedenen cihada müsâreat eylemeleri farz-i ayn olur mu? 11 Kasim 1914. Beyan buyurula. Allâhu Te'âlâ a'lemü. El-cevab: Olur. Ketebehû el-fakîr ileyhi Teâlâ Hayrî bin Avnî el-Ürgübî. Ufiye anhümâ. ". And then it says the Caliphate's condition against the Christian world. Last paragraph by Ürgüplü mentions Muslims who were under the rule of Britain, French, Russia, and Montenegro, etc, and their liberation. On verso, there are Sultan Resad's and Enver Pasha's proclamations. Enver's one finished as 'Padisahim çok yasa!' (My king may live long). Upon first title (Fetawa al-Sharifa section by Ürgüplü) two green flags cross each other; upon the second on verso (Proclamation of State) tugra of Sultan Mehmed Resad and two red flags cross. "On November 14, 1914, in Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire, the religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in WWI. By the time the Great War broke out in the summer of 1914, the Ottoman Empire was faltering, having lost much of its once considerable territory in Europe with its defeat in the First Balkan War two years earlier. Seeking to ally themselves with one of the great European powers to help safeguard them against future loss, the ambitious Ottoman leaders–members of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), known collectively as the Young Turks–responded favorably to overtures made by Germany in August 1914. Though Germany and Turkey secretly concluded a military alliance on August 2, the Turks did not officially take part in World War I until several months later. On October 29, the Ottoman navy-including two German ships, Goeben and Breslau, which famously eluded the British navy in the first week of the war to reach Constantinople-attacked Russian ports in the Black Sea, marking the beginning of Turkey's participation in the war. The sheikh's declaration of a holy war made two weeks later, urged Muslims all over the world including in the Allied countries-to rise up and defend the Ottoman Empire, as a protector of Islam, against its enemies. 'Of those who go to the Jihad for the sake of happiness and salvation of the believers in God's victory,' the declaration read, 'a lot of those who remain alive is felicity, while the rank of those [.]" (Source: History). Özege 5654. Not in OCLC. Extremely rare.