[OTTOMAN MAP of BIGA PENINSULA & TENEDOS] Biga Peninsula, Çanakkale Straight, Tenedos [Bozcaada], Edremit Bay.
Erkân-i Harbiye-i Umumiye Matbaasi., Ist., [ca. AH 1335] = 1920 AD.
Original color map on cloth. Oblong atlas folio. (44 x 58 cm). Scale: 1/200.000. Toponyms in Ottoman script /Turkish with Arabic letters). Shows southwest of the Gallipoli Peninsula [and the Hellespont], Edremid Gulf, Tenedos, and North Aegean shores of Anatolia]. Folded. This is one of the series of the Bonn projection maps which are the first map series in modern techniques in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire. In order to produce these maps covering Turkish territory, Reconnaissance Branch was incorporated into The Mapping Commission. The maps were produced in the datum based on the latitude and longitude of the Ayasofya Mosque in equal area Bonn Projection. The field works for the 123 sheets covering the country were conducted by 76 staff. The production was completed in 18 years starting from east-west. Fieldworks continued without stopping except in the years 1914 and 1920. This map series called also reconnaissance maps contributed a lot to producing 1:25.000 scale maps. Hegira: 1336 = Gregorian: 1920. Not description on map-maker. Extremely rare.