[FINE REPRINT / PRAISE TO THE ST. SOPHIA] Alt-Christliche Baudenkmale von Constantinopel vom V. bis XII. Jahrhundert. 2 books set: Vol. 1: Text. Vol. 2: Plates. [LIMITED AND NUMBERED EDITION: 651/1000]
W[ILHELM] SALZENBERG, (1803-1887); C. W. KORTUM., Istanbul, 2001.
Original bdg. HC. Elephant folio. (67 x 51 cm). -Text book: 30 x 24 cm- In German. 2 volumes set: ([xii], [vii], [Lii], 140 p., 2 plates.; 39 color and b/w plts. (Tafeln)).
Limited reprint edition (all copies are numbered) of 1854-1855 Berlin edition of Salzenberg's book exemplifying a growing 19th-century appreciation of Romanesque and 'Byzantine' architecture. For the original edition see Blackmer 1483; Brunet V, 103. "Salzenberg's important work remains the major source of information about the mosaics of St. Sophia". (Blackmer). 1000 copies were printed for individual persons. This copy belonged to 'Ender S. Özer Bagciman. All copies were numbered. (651/1000).
The churches Salzenberg describes illustrating the development of a Christian architecture away from the secular long nave basilica or of the classical temple (never intended for congregational use), to a Greek-cross plan with a central dome, allowing greater accessibility to the altar table. Most of the text is devoted to the cathedral of the Holy Wisdom [i.e. Hagia Sophia], built-in Constantinople for Justinian I by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus, who dared to set a large dome over a square with the support of pendentives, achieving, with eastern and western half-domes, an uninterrupted span of over 200 feet. This building provided a model or inspiration to architects of the Middle East and Europe seeking to experiment with central, domed structures.
Contents: Titelblatt.; Frontispiz.; Titelblatt.; Inhalt des Textes.; Vorwort.; Einleitung.; Verschiedene Baureste der aelteren Zeit.; Agios Johannes, Klosterkirche des Studios.; Agios Sergios, Kirche des Klosters Hormisdas.; Agia Sophia.; Agia Irene.; Agia Theotokos, Klosterkirche des Lips.; Agios Pantokrator.; Saalbau des Hebdomon.; Cisterne des Philoxenos (Bin-Bir-Direk).; Wasserpfeiler oder Suterasi.; Kirchen aus Klein-Asien.; Anmerkungen.; Anhang: Des Silentiarius Paulus: Beschreibung der Heiligen Sophia und des Ambon.; Vorwort.; I-VI i: Die H. Sophia des Silentarius Paulus.; VII-XIV Der Ambon.; Verzeichniss der Abbildungen.; Blatt I - XXXIX.; Maßstab/Farbkeil.