[EARLY ELECTRICITY GUIDE IN OTTOMAN TURKISH] Nazarî ve amelî elektrik notlari. [i.e. Theorical and practical notes on electricity]

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HASAN ENVER PASHA, (1857-1929), T.C. Erkân-i Harbiye-i Umûmiye Riyaseti Bahriye Talim ve Terbiye Dairesi Nesriyati / Bahriye Matbaasi, Istanbul, 1928.

Original wrappers. Roy. 8vo. (23 x 16 cm). In Ottoman script (Old Turkish with Arabic letters). [iii], 182 p., richly illustrated.

First and only edition of one of the earliest and extremely rare Ottoman Turkish book on electricity published after the proclamation of the Republic in Turkey. It's a complete guide to electricity including how to install power plants, generators, and their working principles, etc.

One of the most important breakthroughs of the regime in the Republican period was the delivery of electricity to many cities and villages of Turkey after the proclamation of the Republic. The electricity question and energy policies were also reflected in the propaganda material of the Republican regime. After the Alphabet Revolution in 1928, after the very few electrical books written in Ottoman Turkish, many books, posters, brochures, and periodicals were published, especially in the 1930s...

Hasan Enver Pasha was an Ottoman general. He was the son of Mustafa Celalettin Pasha a Polish convert to Islam and the daughter of Omer Pasha. Besides he was an avid defender of the belonging of the Turkish race to the European white races. He married Leyla Hanım, a daughter of Mehmed Ali Pasha (marshal). They had five children: Celile who became the mother of Nâzim Hikmet, Münevver who became the mother of Oktay Rifat, Mustafa Celalettin, Mehmet Ali, and Sara. In 1901, he led an expedition to deliver Islamic and pan-Islamic messages to the Muslims of China.

Özege 15207.; TBTK 12692.; OCLC 850834945 (Only one copy worldwide).