De quoi s'agit-il? Texte turc accompagne d'une traduction française par Solange Roux
HALIDE EDIB [EDIP] [ADIVAR], (1884-1964).
E. De Boccard, Paris, 1939.
Paperback. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). Parallel text in French and Turkish. 71, [1] p. De quoi s'agit-il? Texte turc accompagne d'une traduction française par Solange Roux.
"Very often since then I have spoken with Halide Edib and I have understood even better to what sources his talent was fed, what tin the reasons for his success. I will say - begging her to forgive what she keeps the sensitivity of a woman. And that, as much as her natural skills as a captor, explain her renown as a creditor, when in front of large audiences". Bien souvent depuis lors je me suis entreteneu avee Halide Edib et j'ai mieux compris encore a quelles sources s'alimentait son talent, quelles etainent les raisons de son succes. Je dirai -a la priant de pardonner cequ'elle garde la sensibilite d'une femme. Et Cela, autant que ses dons naturels d'otareur, expliquent sa renommee comme conferanciere, lorsque devant de vastes auditoires. (Preface of Roux).
A book consisting of Turkish originals and French translations of Halide Edip Adivar's articles analyzing the status of the world in September 1939, in the newspaper "Aksam". It includes interesting observations made at the beginning of World War 2 through the eyes of the author.
OCLC: 69120848. First Edition.
Turkish literature Memoirs Second World War