[ARMENIAN ALPHABET / ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN BOOKS] ԸՍԷՔԱՆՈԻՆԸ (ԳԻՐԵՐԸ ՊԱՏԿԵՐՆԵՐՈՎ ՍՈՐՎԻՆՔ) / Ysek’anoiny (Girery Patkernerov Sorvink) / Ermenice resimli alfabe kitabi. Illustrated by Berch Erzyian

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T. E. A. O. Ögretmenleri Yardimlasma Vakfi [i.e., The Turkish Armenian Minority Schools Foundations] / Agop Apelyan Matbaasi, Istanbul, 1977.

Original illustrated wrappers. Oblong roy. 8vo. (16 x 24 cm). In Armenian. 24 p., colour ills.

First edition of this scarce illustrated alphabet book for Armenian children and students, published by the Turkish Armenian Minority Schools Foundation established in 1963 by a group of Armenian teachers and intellectuals such as Sahnur Sahiner, Joseph Maksudoghlu, Hagop Sivaslian, and Hayguhi Hidirian. Some of this group would later contribute to late diaspora Armenian literature by publishing Armenian children's magazines (like Jbid).

This booklet aims to teach the Armenian alphabet to Armenian children in Turkey who have just started primary school and have just reached the reading age with colourful illustrations by Armenian painter and tile artist Berch Erzian.

As of May 2024, we can’t trace any copies in OCLC, KVK.