Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[AMERICAN FEMINISM & EUGENICS DISCUSSIONS IN TURKEY] سه وكيلى دوشمان / Sevgili düsman [i.e., Dear enemy]. Translated by Celâleddin Ekrem. Foreword by Ahmed Cevad [Emre]
WEBSTER, JEAN (1876-1916). Ibrahim Hilmi / Selâmet Matbaasi, Istanbul 1928. Original pictorial full dark green cloth, blind tooled illustration on the front board by French illustrator Jean Hée. Gilt lettering,...
Regular price $60000 $600.00
[SAMMELBAND INCLUDING THE FIRST OTTOMAN LESBIAN PLAY / EARLY QUEER] Çikmaz sokak: Millî tiyatro, 3 perde. [i.e. Dead end: National theater in 3 acts]. [Bound with] Ben… baska. Kirik mahfaza [bound with] Haralambos Cankiyadis
SÜLEYMAN, SÂHABEDDIN (Turkish / Ottoman writer, member of Fecr-i Âtî movement) (1885-1921). Muhtar Halid Kitabhanesi / Matbaa-i Hayriye ve Sürekâsi (Muhtar Halid Külliyati Kism-i Millî 8), Istanbul, AH 1329 =...
Regular price $1,25000 $1,250.00
[TURKISH FEMALE POET OF THE FIRST TURKISH POEM FOR "MAY 1"] Feryadlarim [i.e. My screechs]. Biographical introduction by Rifat Necdet [Evrimer]
YASAR NEZIHE [BÜKÜLMEZ], (1882-1971)., Kitaabhane-i Sudi/ Vatan Matbaasi., [H.: 1340], Ist., AD 1924. Contemporary green cloth bdg. Slight scratches on faded cloth, with slight foxing on pages. Overall a good...
Regular price $42500 $425.00