[CRIMEA / RUSSIA / PRUT WAR IN 1711] Umdetü't-tevârîh. [i.e. The principle of histories]. Translated by Necib Asim Yaziksiz, (1861-1935)

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ABDULGAFFAR B. HUSEYIN [HASAN] QIRIMÎ, (18th century), Türk Tarih Encümeni Mecmuasi / Matbaa-i Âmire, Istanbul, [AH 1343] = 1927.

Modern black cloth, Arabic lettered gilt on spine. Roy. 8vo. (23 x 16 cm). In Ottoman script (Old Turkish with Arabic letters). 207 p.

First edition of this extremely rare Turkish book, including Qirimi's first-hand account of the Prut War and Treaty (1711) and the defense of the city he participated in during the Russian invasion of Crimea (1735-36). The book was translated into Ottoman Turkish and edited by Turkish turcologist and soldier Necib Asim Yaziksiz, (1861-1935), with annotations, from the original work titled "Umdet al-Akhbar" [i.e. The principle of the news].

Abdulgaffar Qirimi was a Crimean scholar who lived in the Crimean Khanate in the first half of the 18th century and served in various government positions.

Qirimi dedicated his work to Genghis Khan, the Golden Horde, and the Crimean Khanate. He reported many original details and, especially for the 18th century, his information is authentic and based on personal descriptions. The main part of the work is devoted to the Golden Horde (starting from Genghis Khan and his descendants), Crimean Khanate, Gerayids, and murzas. When Abdulgaffar Qirimi wrote a history of the descendants of Jochi Khan, he used in his book more than 20 historical works as sources. He stated the names of these works and indicated where he got this or that information. At the same time, he had access to the archives of the Crimean Khanate and used his family legends as well as popular traditions. Plenty of space in his work occupies his own observations as a participant in military campaigns and court life. His work concerning khans Berke, Tokhta, Uzbek, Tokhtamish, and Ulugh Muhammad reflects the popular version and is based on the oral historiography of the Tatars.

The Russo-Ottoman War of 1710-1711, also known as the Prut River Campaign, was a brief military conflict between the Tsardom of Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The main battle took place during 18-22 July 1711 in the basin of the Pruth river near Stănilești (Stanilesti) after Tsar Peter I invaded Ottoman Moldavia, following the Ottoman Empire's declaration of war on Russia. The ill-prepared 38,000 Russians with 5,000 Moldavians, found themselves surrounded by 200,000 Turks under Grand Vizier Baltaci Mehmet Pasha. After three days of fighting and heavy casualties, the Tsar and his armies were allowed to withdraw after agreeing to abandon the fortress of Azov and its surrounding territory. The Ottoman victory led to the Treaty of the Prut which was confirmed by the Treaty of Adrianople.

Özege 21999.; TBTK 479.; OCLC 281773486.