[ARABIAN PENINSULA / MECCA & MEDINA / MEDICINE] Mouvement general du pelerinage du Hedjaz par les ports de la Mer Rouge. Annee de l'Hegire 1319 (1901-1902)

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DUCHA PASHA, Imprimerie Osmanie, Constantinople, 1902.

COMPLETE TITLE: [ARABIAN PENINSULA / MECCA & MEDINA / MEDICINE] Mouvement general du pelerinage du Hedjaz par les ports de la Mer Rouge. Annee de l'Hegire 1319 (1901-1902). Presente au Conseil Superiur de Sante par La Docteur Duca Pacha. [i.e., General movement of the Hejaz pilgrimage through the ports of the Red Sea in 1319 [AH] (AD 1901-1902)]

Original wrappers. Folio. (35 x 25 cm). In French. [26] p., 14 tables on double-page spreads.

First and only edition of this very scarce report on the regulation of the Hajj organized by the auspices of the Administration Sanitaire de l'Empire Ottoman [i.e., the Administration of the Sanitary of the Ottoman Empire] for the Hejaz region. This report documents the general movement of the Hejaz pilgrimage through the ports of the Red Sea in 1901-1902, travel and pilgrimage routes, medical conditions, list of the pilgrims including their nations, origins, numbers, ships, and ports of the embarkation of the convoy, was published annually between 1896 and 1914. On the title page in French: “Gentlemen, I have the honour to present to you the General Movement of the Pilgrimage of Hejaz through the ports of the Red Sea, for the year of Hegira 1319, drawn up by the Office of Control”. The report was presented to the Superior Health Council by an Ottoman Levantine Doctor Duca Pacha.

Contents: Lazaret de Camaran: Pèlerins arrivés à Camaran dau-delà de Bab-el-Mandeb [i.e., Pilgrims arrived in Camaran beyond Bab-el-Mandeb], Indiens, Afghans, Boukhariens Turks ou Tartares, Javanais, Autre Malais, Persans, Hadramautes et Maskates, Somalis, Hedjazlis et Yemenlis, Arabes de l'Irak (Iraq), Anatoliotes [i.e., Indians, Afghans, Bukharans, Turks, Tatars, Javaneses and other Malays, Persians, Hadramaut and Maskates, Somalis, Hedjazi and Yemenis, Arabs of Iraq (Iraq), Anatolians, etc.; Ports d'embarquement des Pèlerins [i.e., Embarkation Ports of Pilgrims], Mer des Indes (Hadjar, Aden, Makalla, Berbera) [i.e., Indian Sea (Aden, Maqalla, Berberis, Hadjars], Golfe d'Oman (Maskât) [i.e., Gulf of Oman (Muscat)], Golfe Persique (Bassorah, Mohammera, Bouchir, Linga, Bender-Abbas, Bahrein) [i.e., Persian Gulf (Basrah, Busheher, Bahrain, etc.], Inde, Malacca, Sumatra, Java etc.; Navires ayant fait le transport des Pèlerins [i.e., Ships having transported the Pilgrims], Anglais, Hollandais, Ottoman, Français, Persan [i.e., English, Dutch, Ottoman, French, Persian], etc…

As of December 2023, five copies in the OCLC (259927197, 47003536, 251454830), and only two copies in the American libraries (Stanford University, NYPL).