Typed letter signed 'Sabri Berkel'
SABRI BERKEL, (Turkish painter), (1907-1993).
Original Typescript Document with Autograph Signature, Letterhead "TC Milli Egitim Bakanligi Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademzi" [i.e. Turkish Ministry of Education Academy of Fine Arts], Istanbul, 1969.
Typescript letter (document) signed (TLS) by Sabri Berkel sent to 'Türkiye Çagdas Ressamlar Cemiyeti Baskanligi' [i.e. The Society of Turkish Contemporary Painters Presidency]. 15x22,5 cm. In Turkish. 18 lines. Dated April 22, 1969, Istanbul. Letter requesting that each artist send their 6 works (sculpture, oil painting, and engraving) as well as their biographies to be selected for the 10th Sao Paolo Biennial in September 1969. Signed by Berkel under his title "Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi Y. Resim Bölüm Baskani" [i.e. President of Turkish Fine Arts Academy Painting Department]. Sabri Fetah Berkel was a Turkish-Albanian modernist painter; he was one of the most important painters and academic personalities of the last century in Turkey. Berkel was born in Skopje, where, in 1927, he completed high school at a French lyceum. From 1927 to 1928 he studied at an Art School in Belgrade. From 1929-1935 he finished his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Florence. Sabri Fetahu Berkel visited his country Albania in 1982 where he met with his family and parents. Berkel died in Istanbul. In the honor of Turkish talented painter Sabri Berkel from Turkey, NASA decided to name the Berkel, or the well-known printmaker, and it is a complex crater that sits inside of the larger Ellington basin that indicates the presence of dark material at depth of its surface.
Turkish painting Artist Painter TLS Typescript letter signed Manuscript