[MYSTIC EASTERN POETRY AND FUZULI COMMENTARY BY AN ARMENIAN PRIEST] Nmuysh arevelian misdig panasdeghdzutyan gam Füzuli megnapanvadz (Masn Aratchin). [i.e. From the mystical poem of the song to the sample or Fuzûlî commentary].

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KEVORK V. TERZIBASYAN [GEORG W. TARZIBASHIAN], (Armenian cleric), (1862-1959).

Y. Asadurian Printing House, Constantinople (Istanbul), 1928.

Full morocco. Roy. 8vo. (23 x 16 cm). In Armenian together with samples in Ottoman Turkish (Turkish with Arabic letters), Latin, Italian. 451, [4] p. First and Only Edition. Fuzuli is a poet who has an important place among the poets of Classical Turkish Literature XVI Century. Fuzûlî, as in history, is one of the most widely read and known poets in the world today. Having a large number of Fuzuli's works copies in Turkey and the world library, this is one of the most important pieces of evidence of love and attention. One of the important indicators of this situation is that Terzibasyan compared the works of Fuzûlî with his contemporaries in the West and Armenian poets in his work titled Numûne or Fuzûlî Commentary from the Mystical Poem of the Song. One of the personalities we can regard as one of the important indicators of this love for Fuzûlî is Priest Kevork Terzibasyan. Terzibasyan's interest and love for Fuzûlî's works led him to devote his life to Fuzûlî. Terzibasyan wrote a 3-volume book in Western Armenian. The first volume of the work was published in 1928. The second volume was published in 1929 after the death of Terzibasyan. These works were written in Western Armenian, and today there are only the first and second volumes. There are different claims about the third volume of Terizbasyan's book. This work of Terzibasyan is important in terms of showing how the poet Fuzûlî was interpreted from an Armenian pen. It is also important in terms of revealing similar and different aspects of Fuzûlî's contemporaries. From this point of view, it is possible to say that in the book of Terzibasyan, Fuzûlî is frequently emphasized that he is at a different point than Western and Eastern poetry within the scope of Eastern and Western poetry. This work of Terzibasyan is important in terms of revealing why an Armenian pastor devoted 20 years of his life to Fuzûlî. This situation even caused Terzibasyan to be exposed to criticism within his own society. At this point, it is seen that there is a section titled "Salute to Mustafa Kemal Pasha" in the work of a priest who has devoted his life to Fuzûlî. The answer to the questions of why and how Terzibasyan made a connection between Fuzûlî and Mustafa Kemal Pasha reveals the importance of the text once again. In this study, firstly, brief information about who is Terzibasyan will be given. The fact that there is a separate title about Mustafa Kemal Pasha in this work and his common points with Fuzûlî indicates that Terzibasyan had a great admiration and respect for Atatürk. Another point that draws attention in this work is that Terzibasyan compared Atatürk to poets and writers worldwide, the specially Italian poet Dante. It is possible to say that these similarities are rather related to the power and influence Atatürk had on his society. Terzibasyan as a cleric believes that future generations will only have the power to reconcile their values with the West by learning the past values. For this reason, in his work, he deals extensively with the effects of Fuzûlî on world poets and his reflections in the world of poetry, similar and different aspects of poets in the West and East. According to Terzibasyan, the only way for future generations to grasp this literary world is to learn the works of historical figures comprehensively. Terzibasyan believes that in such a way, new literature from Eastern literature will sprout. (Source: Mustafa Kemal Pasha in the Work of Kevork Terzibasyan named the Sample or Fuzuli Commentary from the Mystical Poem of the Orient, by Bozkus). This book is not translated into any language. Refii Cevat Ulunay, (1890-1968)'s article in 1968 stating that the book should be translated into Turkish was published in the literary journals of the period. Terzibashian (Gevorg Gerapaytzar Terzibaşyan), (1862-1959), was born in Ankara city. Terzibasyan, who completed his primary education in Ankara, was noticed as a brilliant student during his higher education. He has been awarded gold and silver medals by Pope Leon XIII. Extremely rare. Not in OCLC.