[FIRST TURKISH QUOTATIONS FROM MAO / MAO ZHUXI YULU] Kizil kitap: Baskan Mao Tsetung'un sözleri. Translated in Turkish Y. Yalçin
MAO TSETUNG [sic. MAO ZEDONG], (1893-1976)., Ekim Yayinevi., Ankara, [Colophon date: 1970] 1969.
Original wrappers. Cr. 8vo. (20 x 14 cm). In Turkish. 250, [1] p.
First and rare Turkish edition of "the quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong", or "the little red book". "The quotations" is a book of statements from speeches and writings by Mao Zedong, the former Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, published from 1964 to about 1976 and widely distributed during the Cultural Revolution.
Not located in OCLC.