Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[EARLY ISLAMIC PRINTING IN FINLAND / RUSSIA / PRINTING ACTIVITIES IN EXILE / PAN-TURKIST & ISLAMIC IDEALS IN FINLAND] Hakîkî bir Müslüman her zaman tam bir insandır! Türk balâlarinin din dersleri: 1-2nçi bölük
[ETHNIC GROUPS & MINORITIES OF CHINA / PROPAGANDA] 中国少数民族人物 / Zhôngguô shâo shû mînzû renwû = Glimpses of national minorities in China
[FIRST HAND ACCOUNT OF ISLAM IN MEIJI JAPAN BY THE FIRST IMAM OF TOKYO EXPELLED FROM RUSSIA] Alem-i Islâm ve Japonya’da intisâr-i Islâmiyyet [i.e., The world of Islam and the spread of Islam in Japan]. Vol. 1.
[RARE MANUSCRIPTS / THE AGRARIAN REFORM OF OTTOMAN BOSNIA 1840-1877] Bilingual huge early manuscript historical document in Serbo-Croatian (Cyrillic) and Ottoman Turkish (Arabic) documenting the detailed tax questions and between a Serbian land tenant...
[ORIGIN OF THE CIRCASSIAN IN ANCIENT TIMES] Kadîm Trakya’da Serake yani nam-i diger Çerkes. Ilyada ve Odiseʼde ve kadim Yunanistanʼda Çerkesler (Evrikâlarim Yani Bulduklarim 3) [i.e., Circassians in the Ancient Thrace]
[KOMOTINI IMPRINT / WESTERN THRACE QUESTION] Islâmiyet ve insâniyet ugrunda açik lehce ile konusan cihad. [i.e., Jihad speaking openly for the sake of Islam and humanity]
[MONTE CRISTO IN KARAMANLIDIKA] Monte Hristo [i.e. Monte Cristo] [and] Lord Hop: Meshur Monte Hristo hikâyesinin zeyli. [i.e. Der Herr der Welt = The lord of the world]
[CHINA / UYGHURS] Three signed and inscribed booklets in English by Swedish Turkologist and diplomat Gunnar Jarring (1907-2002) on Uyghur and Chinese culture]
[RARE ISSUE OF "THE RUSSIAN ORIENT"] Chark'i Rus = Sark-i Rus. 12 Cemâziyelevvel 1321 = 25 Eylül 1903, No: 48
[UKRAINE / BESSARABIAN GAGAUZ / CHERNIVTSI OBLAST] Besarabiela Gagauzlarân Istoriesâ (Istoria Gâgâuzilor din Basarabia). [i.e. The history of Gagauzs from Bessarabia]. Traducere din revista "Viata Basarabiel" pe anul 1933 No. 9 sl 1934 No. 5
[CAUCASUS / TALES] Märchen aus Lasistan. [i.e. Fairy tales from Lazistan]: Sonderabdruck aus den Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Bd. LXIX)
[UIGHUR GRAMMAR / CAIRO IMPRINT] Uygur sarfi. [i.e. Uighur grammar]
[QAZAN / TATAR TURKS] Qazan Türkleri: Tarihî ve siyasî görüsler. [i.e. Historical and political views on Qazan Turks].
[EARLY ANTI-KURDISH PROPAGANDA BY THE YOUNG TURKS] Kürdler: Siyasi ve içtimai tedkikat. [i.e. Kurds: A politic and social examination].
[THE SONS OF THE DEVIL: FIRST SEPARATE BOOK ON YEZIDIS] Abede-i Iblis: Yezîdî taifesinin itikâdâti, a'dâti, evsâfi. [i.e. The sons of Satan: Yezidi society's beliefs, customs and characteristics]