Khalkedon Rare Books is a member of IOBA and The Ephemera Society of America
[OTTOMAN - FRENCH RELATIONS / THASSOS MINES] A historically significant autograph manuscript letter from Thessaloniki in 1914, requesting that Vuccino continue addressing the Thassos mines concession issue between the Ottoman Empire and France
[GREEK CHANTS IN BYZANTINE NOTATION SYSTEM BY ROMANIAN PROTOPSALTIS] Antologie care cuprinde cântârî... [i.e., Anthology that includes chants for vespers, matins, liturgy, Lent...]
[RARE LEVANTINE IMPRINT] Rimata zois. [for Frederick Broterthon Meyer (1847-1929)]
[PHILATELY / STAMPS OF SARAJEVO] Poštanske marke Sarajevskog izdanja (Bosna i Hercegovina): Procena vrednosti maraka u bodovima. [i.e., Postage stamps of the Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Evaluation of the value of the stamps in points]
[BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA & KOSOVO / OTTOMAN ADMINISTRATION] Draft and evaluation of the memorandum written by the Muslim Sanjak Council: the intensive administration and bureaucracy activities that the Ottoman Empire initiated in the region...
[EARLY ILLUSTRATED OTTOMAN PROPAGANDA BOOKS / BALKANS] Kirmizi siyah kitab: 1328 Fecâyi’i [i.e., The red-black book: The tragedy of 1328 (1912)]
[PHOTOGRAPH / EARLY MUSLIM THEATER IN ROMANIA] 3 Nisan [1]927 tarihinde “Kanli Intikam”... [i.e., A group of Pazarcik Muslim youngs staged the play "Bloody Revenge" on April 3, 1927]
[“SOCIAL DISEASES” OF MUSLIM SOCIETY IN BOSNIA] Nekoliko opasnih druztvenih bolesti kod nas. Izdao: Glavni Odbor el-Hidaje u Sarajevu. [i.e., Several dangerous social diseases in our country: Issued by Main Committee of El-Hidaje in Sarajevo]
[LIFE OF MUHAMMAD] Muhammed-Alejhisselam (Zivot i rad u najkracim potezima). Drugo izdanje
[TRAVELS INTO BOSNIA IN THE EARLY 19TH CENTURY] Pogled u Bosnu ili kratak put u onu krajinu učinjen 1839-40, po Jednom Domorodcu [i.e., A view of Bosnia or a short travel to the region made in 1839-40, according to one native]
[AREBICA / MUSLIM EDUCATION IN EARLY YUGOSLAVIA / WWII] A school report in Arebica with Mecca illustration on cover, of the Sagr Hadzi Ali Dvogodišnji School in Sarajevo, of a Muslim student in 1939, during WWII and the period of early Yugoslavia
[EARLIEST EXAMPLE OF BOSNIAN QURAN] Kur-an: Doslovan prijevod arapskog mushafa bez komentara [i.e., Quran: Literal translation of Arabic mushaf without commentary]
[RARE MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT OF THE CONVERSION TO ISLAM FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION] Ogulin ahâlîsinden Brogovic Yure’nin ihtidâsina dâir. [i.e., On the conversion of Brogovic Yure from Ogulin]
[ARABIC LANGUAGE / PHILOLOGY] Gramatika Arapskog jezika. Za nize razrede medresa i srednjih skola. 2 volumes set. Vol. 1: Gramatika i vjezbenica sa rjecnikom. Vol. 2: Sintaksa i citanka sa rjecnikom
[STREETS & SQUARES OF SARAJEVO] Списак улица и тргови у граду Сарајеву / Spisak ulitza i trgova u gradu Sarayevu [i.e., List of streets and squares in the city of Sarajevo]
[ARABIC LESSONS IN BOSNIAN SCHOOLS] Arapska pocetnika: Uputa i citanje Arapskog pisma [i.e., Arabic for beginners: Instruction and reading of the Arabic script]
[EARLY ARABIC BIOGRAPHY OF THE PROPHET PRINTED IN SARAJEVO] تحفة من كتاب سيرة سيدنا محمد رسول الله [= Izbor iz Kitabu sireti Resulillahi po Muhammad...] [i.e., A masterpiece from the book of the biography of our master Muhammad...]
[THE REGISTERS OF MUSLIMS IN EARLY YUGOSLAVIA] Uredba o vođenju matica... [i.e., Decree on keeping registers of births and deaths of Muslims in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes]
[FIRST CONSTITUTION OF THE ISLAMIC COMMUNITY IN YUGOSLAVIA] Ustav: Islamske verske Zajednice Kraljevine Jugoslavije [i.e., Constitution: Islamic Religious Community of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia]
[TURKISH LESSONS FOR MUSLIM CHILDREN IN YUGOSLAVIA BY PIONEER OF THE FIRST ALBANIAN LATIN ALPHABET] Yugoslavya’daki ibtidai... [i.e., Turkish linguistic lessons for Muslim children attending primary schools in Yugoslavia]
[ARABIC BOOKS PRINTED IN BOSNIA] Kitab al-Nikâh [i.e., The book of marriage]
[AREBICA / ALJAMIADO LITERATURE / HISTORY OF ISLAM] Kratak târîh-i Islâm [i.e., A short history of Islam]