Autograph document signed 'Hamit Görele' and 'Ersin Satgan', on the fixation of income of the Contemporary Painters Association of Turkey in 1968.
HAMIT GÖRELE, (Turkish painter, President of Society of Contemporary Turkish Artists), (1903-1980).
Türkiye Çagdas Ressamlar Cemiyeti, Ist., 1968.
Autograph document signed 'H. Görele' and co-signed by Ersin Satgan. 29x21 cm. In Turkish. 1 p. Dated April 17, 1968. 7 lines. He was born in Görele in Giresun city. He graduated from 'Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi' [i. e. Fine Arts Academy]. He worked in Loht Workshop in Paris. After he exhibited his paintings in Bucuresti and Paris, known for his expressionist style in his early years. He started to give his products in the style of Constructivism. And he was the president of 'Society of Contemporary Turkish Artists'. This autograph letter was written in his presidency period and signed as 'Baskan [i.e. President] Hamit Görele'.