Sultan Mehmed Resad Han'in ve halefinin sarayinda gördüklerim. 2 volumes set.

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LÜTFI SIMAVI, (19th-20th century).

Matbaa-i Osmaniye, Ist., 1924.

Original cloth bdg. with Ottoman letter gil on spine. 2 volumes set in 1: (144 p.; 271 p.). Cr. 8vo. (20 x 14 cm). In Ottoman script. Hejra: 1340 = Gregorian: 1924. The arbitrary rule of Committee of Union and Progress (Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti) and sultanate ambition of Damad Ferit Pasha, same time Freedom and Entente Party (Hurriyet ve Itilâf Partisi), and competition between those parties gave an opportunity to powers those who wanna break-up the Ottoman Empire. The memoirs of Simavi explains exactly that period of empire, the period of Sultan Mehmed Resad Khan, and Sultan Vahdettin. Sultan Mehmed Resad Han'in ve halefinin sarayinda gördüklerim. 2 volumes set. Özege: 18312. First Edition.