[PROPAGANDA ART / CHROMO-LITHOGRAPH SOVIET TATARSTAN USSR EMBLEM] Tatar Sûrâlar Cumhuriyeti armasi. [i.e. Emblem of Soviet Tatar Republic].
N.p., [c. 1919-1920]
Original very attractive chromo-lithograph print of Soviet Tatarstan emblem. 24x17 cm. Bilingual in Tatar and Ottoman script. Eight paper-tapes on the extremities of paper. "Sekil 20" [i.e. Figure 20] written. It shows a peasant holding a sickle and a worker holding a pickaxe have joined their hands. The sun rises out of a wreath knitted with spikes and an arrow is drawn with a bow. Inside the wreath, "Tatar Sûrâlar Cumhuriyeti" is written in Arabic letters. In the lower part, hammer and sickle symbols stand out. Info about this emblem and its artist, and from which source it's taken couldn't be found. Litho.