[MODERN CHIROMANCY IN RUSSIA] Atlas’ linii ladonnoj... [i.e., Atlas of lines on the palmar surface of the hand and their meaning (according to the explanations of famous palmists)].
N. A.
COMPLETE TITLE: Атласъ линіи на ладонной поверхности
руки и ихъзначеніе (по объясненіямъ знаменитыхъ хиромантовъ) / Atlas’ linii ladonnoj poverhnosti ruki i ih’znatsenie (po ob’yasneniyam’ znamenitih’ hiromantov’). [i.e., Atlas of lines on the palmar surface of the hand and their meaning (according to the explanations of famous palmists)].
GKPKO “Forum-Eks”, S. Peterburg, 1990.
Original pinkish wrappers. Cr. 8vo. (20 x 14 cm). In Russian. 76, [2] p., 73 b/w figures of various examples of palmar lines and their meanings. Covers slightly dusty, but otherwise a very good copy.
The first facsimile edition of this book on palmistry, published in the late Soviet Union. The original edition was printed in 1904 in St. Petersburg by Typ. A. S. Suvorin.
The book contains the meanings of the primary lines on the hand, offering insights into predicting the future and understanding the past. Some titles: Palmar mounds. Main lines of the hand. Secondary lines of the hand. Figure on the hand. Measuring the lifeline. Measuring the line of happiness. Measuring the line of calculation. Measuring the line of Saturn. Measuring the locus matrimonialis. Measuring the quadrangle. Measuring the Mount of the Moon. Measuring the line of the stomach. Measuring the triangle. Measuring the Mount of Venus. Measuring the bases of the four fingers.
Palmistry, also known as chiromancy or chirology, is a pseudoscientific practice with deep historical roots, widely practiced across the Eurasian landmass. It has been part of the cultural traditions of Sumer, Babylonia, Arabia, Canaan, Persia, India, Nepal, Tibet, and China.
In the modern era, palmistry experienced a revival beginning with Captain Casimir Stanislas D’Arpentigny’s seminal work, La Chirognomie (1839). This revival was fur