Fransizca elifba okuyorum.= Je lis l'alphabet Français
Ikbal Kitabhanesi Sahibi Hilmi, Istanbul, 1928.
Paperback. Cr. 8vo. (19 x 13,5 cm). In Ottoman script (Turkish with Arabic letters) and French. 48 p.
Ragip Rifki Özgürel was a well-known translator who translated many detectives and popular novels and stories in the last Ottoman and early Republican periods. And he wrote a book on spiritualism titled 'Ispritizma Tecrübeleri, Ahretle Nasil Konusulur' in 1930 and others about spiritualism after Second Constitutional Regime (II. Mesrutiyet).
Title calligrapher on the cover is Hamid Aytaç, (1891-1982). First Edition. Özege 5914.; Not in OCLC.
French philology Alphabet Education Linguistics