[FIRST RULEBOOK ON THE FEES OF THE ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY IN YUGOSLAVIA] Pravilnik o taksama verskih i... [i.e., Rulebook on fees of religious and administrative bodies of the Islamic Religious Community in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia...]
Izdanje Vakuîske Direkcije u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, 1937.
COMPLETE TITLE: [FIRST RULEBOOK ON THE FEES OF THE ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY IN YUGOSLAVIA] Pravilnik o taksama verskih i vakuisko-meariîskih organa Islamske verske Zajednice u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji sa izmenama i dopunama odobrenim po Ministarstvu pravde u sporazumu sa Ministarstvom finansija resenjem od 15 aprila 1937 br. 36274 [i.e., Rulebook on fees of religious and administrative bodies of the Islamic Religious Community in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia with amendments and additions approved by the Ministry of Justice in an agreement with the Ministry of Finance by decision of April 15, 1937, no. 36274].
Original greenish wrappers. Roy. 8vo. (23 x 15,5 cm). In Bosnian. 20 p. Chippings on extremities of front cover, loose spine, browning on front and rear wrappers, dated on the cover, two sentences are underlined and one marking in ink. Overall, a good/very good copy.
Extremely rare first edition in book form of this first rulebook on fees of religious and administrative bodies of the Islamic Community in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia including 29 main articles, soon after it was published in "Službenim novinama” [i.e., Official Newspaper] no. 151 - XXXVI, dated July 4, 1936. Confirmed and signed by Cvetkovic and Letica, minister of social policy and minister of finance in the period.
As of January 2024, we could not trace any copies in the OCLC and KVK.