[BRITISH MUNICIPAL PROCEDURES IN TURKEY] Istanbul Sehremâneti Mecmuasi tefrikalarindan muhtelif memleketlerde beledî usûlleri: Paris'de, 1925'de, in'ikad eden Sehirler Beynelmilel 3üncü Kongresi mukarrâtindan çikarilmistir
[BRITISH MUNICIPAL PROCEDURES IN TURKEY] Istanbul Sehremâneti Mecmuasi tefrikalarindan muhtelif memleketlerde beledî usûlleri: Paris'de, 1925'de, in'ikad eden Sehirler Beynelmilel 3üncü Kongresi mukarrâtindan çikarilmistir. Translated to Ottoman Turkish by Ali Suad, (Ottoman voyager, Najd Mutasarrif and author), (1869-1933).
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Istanbul Sehremâneti / Sehremâneti Matbaasi, Ist., 1928.
Paperback. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In Ottoman script. 320, [1] p. The book translated by Ali Suad, (Ottoman voyager, Najd Mutasarrif, and author), (1869-1933), including municipality methods according to the papers of the Third International Congress of City Planning held in Paris in 1925. "3rd UIV Congress takes place in Paris addressing systems of municipal government in various countries, land use policy of local authorities and its influence on the problem of housing, and large agglomerations. Congress receives a major report from Mr. G. Montagu Harris, then of the Ministry of Health in London, and who in the future will play a major role in IULA's life. Reports on the other subjects are made by Mr. Droogleever Fortuyn, who later will be Mayor of Rotterdam, and by Mr. Sellier, Mayor of Suresnes and Secretary-General of the Union des Villes et Communes de France. Over 720 delegates attend the congress and it is decided to attempt to rekindle links with the German union. ". (Source: Movimiento Municipal Internacional). Ali Suad, who was a constitutional intelligent and had his own style, writings, and poems, described the Ottoman Arab land between 1909-1912 as well. His voyages into Arabia includes two parts. The first one is 'Toward Najid' which was published in 'Tanin' newspaper as a 36 pieces-serialized. The second one is again published in the same newspaper, after that this travel note was published as a book. He was appointed as the 'mutasarrif' (a sort of local governor) of Najid, one of the most remote places of the Ottoman Empire, in 1909 by the governor of Basra, Süleyman Nazif. TBTK 13220. First and Only Edition.