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[ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR & ITALIAN FASCISM] Фашистская Италия под знаком войны / Fashistskaya Italiya pod znakom voini’ [i.e., Fascist Italy under the sign of war]
[POSTERS / PEACE / ALGERIA] Poster of the 9th World Festival of Youth and Students for Solidarity Peace and Friendship, July 28-August 7, 1965
[IRANIAN SUPPORT TO THE ALGERIAN REVOLUTION AGAINST FRENCH COLONIALISM] الجزایر و مردان مجاهد / Al-Jazâ’ir va mardân-e mujâhid [i.e., Algeria and the Mujahid men]
[CHRISTIAN AND ISLAMIC CALENDARS OF THE FIRST FOURTEEN CENTURIES FROM THE BIRTH OF THE PROPHET] Concordance des eres Musulmane et Chretienne pour les quatorze premiers siecles de l'Hegire commençant le 16 Juillet 622 et finissant le 20 Novembre 1979
[MIDDLE EAST / ARABIC / NORTH AFRICA] Muqaddimah al-aqwam al-masâlik fî ma'rifat ahwâl al-mamâlik tercemesi. [i.e. The surest path to knowledge regarding the condition of countries]. Translated by Abdurrahman Efendi
[THE FRENCH AND BRITISH CONFLICTS ON EGYPTIAN REGION] Affaires du Haut-Nil et du Bahr-el-Ghazal, 1897-1898 (Documents Diplomatiques) [i.e. Upper Nile and Bahr-el-Ghazal Affairs, 1897-1898 (Diplomatic Documents)]
[OTTOMAN AFRICA - LIBYA - SAHARA] Trablusgarb'tan Sahrâ-yi Kebîr'e dogru. Sahrâ teskilâti ve akvâmi hakkinda tedkikat: Sahrâ'nin teskilâti, iklimi, hayvanat ve nebatati... [i.e. Voyages from Tripoli to the Great Sahara]
[FIRST TRAVEL ACCOUNT OF SOUTH AFRICAN MUSLIMS] Ümid Burnu seyahatnâmesi. [i.e. Travel account of the Cape of Good Hope]. Quoted by Ömer Lütfi
[AFRICA] Original 49 real photo postcards of South Africa and Natal
[BOOKER T. WASHINGTON BIOGRAPHY IN OTTOMAN TURKISH] Kölelikten kurtulus: Bir tercüme-i hâl. [= Up from slavery. An autobiography]. Translated to Turkish by Ayse Pertev [Akinci].
[EVLIYA IN EGYPT, SUDAN AND ETHIOPIA] Evliya Çelebi seyahatnamesi. Vol. 10: Misir, Sudan, Habes, (1672-1680)
[THE SUDAN CAMPAIGN] History of the Sudan campaign. Compiled in the Intelligence Division of the War Office. Pt. 1. Events leading up to the Nile Expedition, and its history to the departure of the desert column from Korti...
[NORTH AFRICA / THE FRENCH OCCUPATION / ALGERIA] Mir'atü'l-Cezayir. [i.e. The mirror of Algeria]. Translated by Ali Sevki
[Manuscript map of Alexandria Port and its immediate hinterland]
[AFRICAN AMERICANA - RARE BULLETIN OF EFLNA] Liberation. Bi-monthly by Eritreans for Liberation in North America. Vol. 4. No. 5. July-August 1975
[ILLUSTRATED SELECTIONS FROM AN ARABIC 14TH CENTURY TRAVEL ACCOUNT OF AFRICA] Wasf Ifrîqîyah wa-al-Maghrib wa-al-Andalus... [i.e. Description of Africa, Morocco and Andalusia in the middle of the eighth century of migration]
[RARE TURKISH SCHOOL MAP OF AFRICA] Afrika: Müderris Fayik Sabri Beyin talebe haritalari. No: 3. 25 kurus. Kanaat Kütüphanesi. [i.e. Africa: From the corpus of school maps by Mr. Faik Sabri]
[BELGIAN CONGO / HUNTING] [Early photograph showing Joseph DeVos, a Dutch hunter in Belgian Congo, in front of an antelope hunted and hung from the ceiling by the feet]
[LYNCHING IN FLORIDA ON OTTOMAN JOURNAL'S COVER] Resimli gazete. No: 68, Year: 2. 20 Kanunevvel 1340 [AD 20 December 1924]
[FIRST HAND ACCOUNT OF THE SYRIAN AND THE SUEZ CANAL OPERATIONS DURING WWI] Parisden Tih Sahrasina. [i.e. From Paris to the Desert of Tih].
[THE MEASURE OF THE OVERSEAS TOWNS: GUIDE FOR THE MARINERS FROM BATUMI TO AFRICA] Eb'ad-i buldân cedveli: Bahr-i Siyah'da kâin Batum'dan Ingiltere'ye kadar Avrupa, Asya ve Afrika sevâhillerinde bulunan mesâhir-i...
[FIRST BOOK ON MUSLIMS IN THE COMORO ISLANDS] Kamer Adalari: Afrika'da Âlem-i Islâm Külliyatindan 1. [i.e. The Comoro Islands: From the Corpus of Islamic World in Africa]
[FIRST ARABIC EDITION OF 'AFRICA! AFRICA!' BY EDITOR OF THE DAILY WORKER] Ifriqiyah! Ifriqiyah! Qarat taqif ali qidmihâ. [i.e. Africa! Africa! A continent rises to its feet]. Translated by Ahmed Fouad Balbaa; Review by Hassan Lotfi Al-Manfalouti
[FROM MARSEILLES TO KONGO, MOZAMBIQUE AND THE CENTRAL AFRICA] Triviye'nin Afrika seyâhatnâmesi (Asir Kitabhânesi Külliyâti). [= Mon voyage au Continent Noir; la "Gironde" en Afrique]. Translated into Ottoman Turkish by Mehmed Ekrem.